LDView - Packaged for Linux
LDView renders digital Lego models, both interactively and batch. I made a couple of small patches to it and packaged it for Fedora 19.
There are two executables in these packages. LDView is the interactive GUI. If you use the LDraw Parts Library I packaged, you will need to configure it to point to /usr/share/ldraw for the LDrawDir config option. You can do that by editing ~/.config/LDView/LDView.conf to include this content:
[LDView] LDrawDir=/usr/local/ldraw/
The other executable is ldview, which provides batch rendering operations for use by other programs such as LPub. It also needs to know where the LDraw model files are, so edit ~/.ldviewrc to contain this:
[General] LDrawDir=/usr/local/ldraw
The .spec file shows how it was created, the *.patch files are the modifications I made, the *.x86_64.rpm files (other than debuginfo) are the ones to install, and the .src.rpm contains everything so it can be rebuilt for another rpm-based distribution.
Attachments (9)
- ldview.spec (6.2 KB) - added by retracile 11 years ago.
- ldview-1-no-force-zoomtofit.patch (2.9 KB) - added by retracile 11 years ago.
- ldview-2-typo.patch (1.8 KB) - added by retracile 11 years ago.
- ldview-3-64-bit-fix.patch (338 bytes) - added by retracile 11 years ago.
- ldview-4.2b1.20140530-ec1.x86_64.rpm (741.8 KB) - added by retracile 11 years ago.
- ldview-4.2b1.20140530-ec1.src.rpm (5.7 MB) - added by retracile 11 years ago.
- ldview-osmesa-4.2b1.20140530-ec1.x86_64.rpm (475.0 KB) - added by retracile 11 years ago.
- ldview-gnome-4.2b1.20140530-ec1.x86_64.rpm (6.4 KB) - added by retracile 11 years ago.
- ldview-debuginfo-4.2b1.20140530-ec1.x86_64.rpm (114.5 KB) - added by retracile 11 years ago.
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